Monday, March 2, 2009

Nuclear Explosions

A *Nuke* is a destructive weapon that derives its force from nuclear reactions. It releases vast ammounts of energy from small amounts of matter. Even small nuclear devices can devstate cities.
They are considered weapons of mass destruction and their use and control is an international aspect of debate since they were created.
In the history of warfare, only two nukes have been detonated offensively both near the end of World War II. The first went off on the morning of the 6th August 1945 on the Japanese city of Hiroshama. The second was detonated three days later on Nagasaki, this bom was code named "Fat Man".
On a side note, in the Computer Game "Fallout 3" the weapon "Fat Boy" had to be changed in the Japanese version of the game as it referred to the bomb that destroyed one of their cities.
The countries known to have tested Nukes and known to have weapons of their own are United States, Russia, UK, France, China, India, Pakistan and North Korea. Israel are believed to have some but they do not acknowledge their existence.

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