Friday, February 27, 2009


The Greek historian Thucydides was the first person to mention that "Tsunami's" are submarine quakes, however the understanding of the way they work remained minimal up until the 20th century and even now are being researched.

Meteorlogical storms conditions, storms, cyclones, hurricanes etc, can cause waves to be several metres larger than normal due to low atmospheric pressure, however these are not tsunamis though they may resemble them and even engulf areas of land, they are not the same thing.

The term comes from the Japan words harbor "tsu" and wave "nami". Tsunami's are common throughout Japan's history with approximately 195 events being recorded so far.

Tsunami's are sometimes referred to as tidal waves, a term that is not common within the scientific community in recent years because they don't actually have anything to do with "tides".

A tsunami is caused by converging and destructive plate boundaries abruptly moving and vertically displacing the water above. It is unlikely for them to form at divergent (constructive) or conservative plate boundaries.

Tsunami's have a very small amplitude (wave height) offshoer however have a massive wave length stretching up to a few hundred Killometers long which is why most of the time they pass unoticed at sea.

A Tsunami cannot be prevented or precisely predicted-even if the right magnitude of an earthquake occurs in the right location

They aren't rare either, with over 25 tsunami's being recorded in the past century most of which in the Asia-pacific location.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Air hair lair, welcome to my blog. Here ye shalt find all information regarding disastors around the planet.

Perhaps it may be interesting.
Perhaps make you fall asleep.
But either way i look forward to you reading my blog.